1999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023Materials Science (miscellaneous) The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values,...
大类:Materials Science小类:General Materials ScienceQ116 / 463 96% 名词解释: CiteScore:衡量期刊所发表文献的平均受引用次数。 SJR:SCImago 期刊等级衡量经过加权后的期刊受引用次数。引用次数的加权值由施引期刊的学科领域和声望 (SJR) 决定。 SNIP:每篇文章中来源出版物的标准化影响将实际受引用情况对照期刊所...
材料科学4区BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY生物工程与应用微生物MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY材料科学:综合NANOSCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGY纳米科技4区4区4区否否 名词解释: 中科院分区也叫中科院JCR分区,基础版分为13个大类学科,然后按照各类期刊影响因子分别将每个类别分为四个区,影响因子5%为1区,6%-20%为2...
This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years ...
Explore open access fundingSelect institution Overview Topics in Current Chemistry provides critical reviews on emerging trends in modern chemical research and its intersections with disciplines like biology, medicine, physics, and material science.
Scilit SCImago (SJR) SCOPUS Semantic Scholar Sherpa/RoMEO Summon (ProQuest) TDNet TEMA Technik und Management Ulrich's Periodicals Directory/ulrichsweb WanFang Data WorldCat (OCLC) X-MOL Yewno Discover
Scimago J Rank (SJR) Ho YS, Fahad Halim AFM, Islam MT (2022) The trend of bacterial nanocellulose research published in the science citation index expanded from 2005 to 2020: a bibliometric analysis. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. https://doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2021.795341 Article PubMed PubMed ...
During the literature search, we focused on peer-reviewed journal articles with impact factors according to the „Journal Citation Reports“ (JCR) and „Scimago Journal & Country Ranking (SJR) indicator“. In addition, the literature search was extended to include the principle of the so-...
The subject of food science is divided into themed sections, each of which is reviewed once a year. Food Physics and Materials Science, Food Engineering and Processing, Food Toxicology, Food Chemistry and Biochemistry, Food Bioprocessing,
大类:Physics and Astronomy 小类:General Materials Science Q2 200 / 463 56% 名词解释:CiteScore:衡量期刊所发表文献的平均受引用次数。SJR:SCImago 期刊等级衡量经过加权后的期刊受引用次数。引用次数的加权值由施引期刊的学科领域和声望 (SJR) 决定。SNIP:每篇文章中来源出版物的标准化影响将实际受引用情况...