And here is the chart of the market cap to GDP ratio itself: As you’ll notice, the CAPE ratio and the Cap/GDP ratio correlate very closely, which further strengthens the case that the CAPE ratio is a reliable measure of market valuation. Shortcomings of CAPE and Cap/GDP CAPE: The CAPE...
The country's aging population and low birth rates mean that student cohort sizes are falling over time, while the number of private universities continues to increase. The government's fiscal position, running primary deficits with a gross debt-to-GDP ratio of 245% in 2018, makes subsidizing ...
Here is a look at overall margin debt as a percentage of GDP. The main point here is to see just how high margin debt has become relative to U.S. GDP. Consider the current level to historical levels. The most recent reading is off the charts. Bottom line: There is a lot of leverag...
According to reports, the External debt as a ratio to Gross domestic product (GDP) fell marginally to 19.9 per cent as of March this year, from 21.2 per cent a year ago. India’s external debt continues to be sustainable and prudently managed. Long-term debt constitutes the bulk, while ...
The interconnections between health and the economy are well known and well documented. The funding gap for realizing SDG3 for good health and well-being, however, remains vast. Simultaneously, economic growth, as expressed and measured in SDG8, continue
Under this scheme, the state government envisages to develop public welfare projects worthRs 1000 croreby December 2022. The donor can fund a minimum 60% of projects and the balance up to 40% will be provided by the State government i.e.60:40 ratio. ...
Table 1 summarizes originator prices for sofosbuvir, daclatasvir, sofosbuvir/ledipasvir, sofosbuvir/velpatasvir, and glecaprevir/pibrenatsvir in 50 countries where publicly accessible price databases could be found, as well as the ratio of DAA price to GDP per capita. The median originator price ...
We apply modern technology to amplify human productivity, and the linkage between money, time, and the economy can be seen in the concept of Productivity. In economics it’s measured as $ of GDP per hour of labor – it quite literally expresses to us that money is embodied time! Perhaps ...
forUSexports,istheexchangeratepass-throughratioforexports, istheincomeelasticityofforeigndemandforUSexports, istheelasticity ofUSexportswithrespecttotrendgrowthindomesticproductioncapac ity, and is the cyclical elasticity of export demand. 1
There has been a continuously growing trend in international commercial air traffic, with the exception of COVID-19 crises; however, after the recovery, th