Thefollowingdocumentsarereferredtointhetextinsuchawaythatsomeorallofthei「content constitutesrequirementsofthisdocument.Fordatedreferences,onlytheeditioncitedapplies.For undatedreferences,thelatesteditionofthereferenceddocument(includinganyamendments) applies.
The properties of façade elements are primarily defined considering the temperature of the environment and building regulations for thermal insulation based on energy requirements [77]. A continuous thermal barrier across the building envelope can be considered the key to good thermal performance [78]...
The value of TES is determined in optimal situations of charge and discharge of the storage, by minimising the production costs taking into account reserve capacity requirements, balancing needs, availability, and plant performance. The study carried out in [66] refers to a CSP system composed of...