Current local time in Myanmar – Myeik. Get Myeik's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Myeik's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Current local time in Myanmar – Mawlamyine. Get Mawlamyine's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Mawlamyine's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
What Time Is It In Myanmar? 08:13:19 2024年11月28日 Myanmar Time (MMT) +0630 UTC UTC/GMT is 01:43 on 2024年11月28日 Difference from your location: 1.5hoursbehindUnknown, China DST Time Zone Map Daylight Saving Time This location does not observe Daylight Saving Time. ...
Current Local Time Myanmar Standard Time is UTC + 6:30 The Current Time in Myanmar is: Friday 11/29/2024 7:26 AM UTC+06:30 Myanmar observes UTC + 6:30 Standard Time year round Myanmar Local Time Details Time Zone Abbreviations
Current Local Time Malaysia Standard Time is UTC + 8 The Current Time in Malaysia is: Sunday 11/3/2024 9:47 PM UTC+08:00 Malaysia observes UTC + 8 Standard Time year round Malaysia Local Time Details Time Zone Abbreviations Malaysia Time - is abbreviated as MYT ...
Standard Time Zone: GMT/UTC + 06:30 hour Daylight Saving Time: DST not applied Yangon. Map of location See other cities of Myanmar View travel resources for Yangon DST - Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) GMT - Greenwich Mean Time UTC - Coordinated Universal Time World...
Laos,Bhutan,Tajikistan,Kazakhstan,Mongolia,Afghanistan,Nepal,Myanmar,Kyrgyzstan,Pakistan,North Korea,Russia,Vietnam,India Area 9,596,960 km2 Population 1,330,044,000 Top-level domain .cn Some of the locations in China for more information
World Time Server shows current local time and date in cities and countries in all time zones, adjusted for Daylight Saving Time rules automatically.
Find the current and exact local time of each country, province or city in the world, the time of sunrise and sunset as well as the corresponding time zone
Current local time in Yangon. Also find local time zone, travel information, nearest airport, currency of Yangon, Myanmar,