cpu触发电流墙有两种原因,一种情况是CPU有故障失控了,才会撞墙。另一种情况是CPU负载过重,受内部功率墙温度墙限制降频降温。扩展:电流墙是Current Limit Throttling,于英特尔(Intel)官方软件XTU中存在,即官方承认的概念。1.CPU 常见故障现象 (1)系统死机;(2)在操作过程中,系统运行不稳定或...
Current Li..如图,温度OK,TDP也OK,就是这个导致降频,百度了一下午,Google了半天也没有找到解决办法……
I have a Matebook X pro with i5 8250U, and under load lenovo-fix.py --monitor almost always shows current limit throttling. The only exceptions I found so far were stressing only a single core, or setting the power limit so low that the ...
Please tell me what causes Current/EDP Limit Throttling? Screenshot is from stress test just to visualize, but it is also appearing while gaming - above 90% of time. I think it causes FPS drops/instability in games(?) Any solutions? Why does it happen and what does it mean?Bios has ...
Explains meaning and settings for Current/EDP (Electrical Design Point) Limit Throttling and the Power Limit Throttling indicators in the Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility Description What does it mean when the Current/EDP (Electrical Design Point) Limit Throttling and the Power Limit Throttling indica...
xtu里面curre..我的笔电昨天下载了xtu,然后把turbo boost power time window调到了最小玩了一下午游戏,今天发现current limit throttling一直亮yes,接通电源是ye
我用XTU把电流降了..这样温度能降很多 游戏性能也不会降低多少 就是一直纠结这个一直显示黄色的current limit throttling机器是暗影精灵4PRO顶一下顶
Current Li..已经刷了1.06.06的EC了,改过的那个,电源也是330W,还是显卡功耗一上去然后就这玩意然后就降频了回复 dsanke :
I have two profiles in Intel Extreme Tuning Utility, I turn on function 'App-Profile Pairing' and i see one problem happened. When IETU switches between two profiles, a short moment 'Current/EDP limit throttling' somtimes happened, arround 1s (view attached photo). I don't know the reas...
我用XTU把电流降了..这样温度能降很多 游戏性能也不会降低多少 就是一直纠结这个一直显示黄色的current limit throttling机器是暗影精灵4pro顶一下顶