6.The electric current lags Behind the voltage.电流的相位小于电压 7.energize a battery by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge.通过电流朝与放电相反的方向流动给电池充电。 8.three-phase synchronous AC generator三相交流同步发电机 9.single-phase AC synchronous alternator...
1.If the maximum peak inductor current in CCM is less than theminimum ignition current,the converter meets the requirement of intrinsically safety circuit.指出在给定开关频率、输入和输出电压时,变换器工作在CCM下的最大峰值电感电流就是该变换器在整个负载范围内工作时的最大电感电流,并将其与最小点燃电流...
Referring to Fig 3, ϕ1 − ϕ 2 > 0 , and the current i1 is said to lead the current i2 in phase by ϕ1 − ϕ 2 , or, which is the same, the current i2 lags in phase behind the current i1 by ϕ1 − ϕ 2 . Two sinusoidal functions of the same frequency...
1) The current lags behind the voltage.电流滞后于电压。2) voltage delay 电压滞后 1. There were two main problems in the application of the Li/SOCl2 battery:voltage delay and safety performance problems,which affected the commercial application. Li/SOCl2电池在应用中主要存在电压滞后和安全性能...
$$|\Delta I_{{{\text{dg}}} | \in 0.22p.u.\sim 0.61p.u.$$ (20) ΔIM1 is negative, so the current of M point phase lags behind IMpre phase after a fault. Assume that a BC two-phase short-circuit fault occurs downstream of point M, as depicted in f2 of Fig. 2. The...
After all, the CGATE voltage, which directly affects the RGAIN current in the system, lags op amp output changes.Neubean offers one explanation to why perhaps RGATE and CGATE do not cause instability: “Well, the gate source is a fixed voltage, so then the RGATE –CGATE circuit is ...
The phase angle between the voltage and the current in an AC circuit has a great impact on the calculation ofelectric power. Consider the case shown inFig. 2.21where the current lags the voltage by an angle ofφ. Theline current(as measured by an ammeter) can be broken into two component...
Current sensor operating in accordance with the pr 优质文献 相似文献 参考文献Ein Spektrograph für Niederschlagstropfen mit automatischer Auswertung A new spectrometer which gives a continuous record of the size distribution of raindrops is described. The basic principe is the automatic compensation of ...
The load power factor is said to be lagging which implies that the load impedance should have an inductive component (current lags voltage). That in turn implies that the angle associated with that impedance should be positive. So fix up your load impedance. Nov 21, 2014 #32 magician ...
Results show that the photocurrent detected by photodiodes at the wire ends almost occurs simultaneously with the circuit discharge current, however it at the central section lags behind the circuit discharge current obviously. The initial explosion product of the wire ends is liquid, and that of ...