10 per cent additional reservation for the backward classes in general category in government jobs and education. To provide food grains at affordable prices to the poor and middle classes, about Rs 1,70,000 crores were spent in the year 2018-19 which is almost double the amount of Rs 92,...
And with that, I am consoled – thanks to time and the experience and the well-marinated thoughts and ideas contributed to me by Lina Wertmüller, Adrienne Rich, Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Allen Ginsberg, Wallace Stevens and Shakespeare, among others too numerous ...
A lot of people worry that they can’t get another job because they don’t have time to find one. This is why hunting for a job from your cube is totally standard. It used to be that people stayed in their jobs 40 years, and a job hunt was an earth-shattering event, and there ...
, maker of the BlackBerry smartphone, plans to cut 2,000 jobs, or about a tenth of its workforce, as sales slow amid market share losses to Apple Inc.’s iPhone. The reductions, across all functions, are part of a plan to “focus on areas that offer the highest growth opportunities,...
When I built HiddenLevers, I made apointed decision to bootstrap– so we had no room to waste capital. We began hiring developers on a half-time basis, while letting them retain their full-time jobs (prior to HL I did side contracts as a developer for years, so this was a natural ...
We must act now to reverse these dangerous trends, which constrain the growth and dynamism of our economy, impair the creation of high-quality jobs, and threaten America’s economic standing in the world....
And if we do so, whatever the outcome, when we are called to account for our life’s work at least we can say that we tried to accomplish something more significant, more impactful on the world, than hiring a few extra nurses for the NHS or making the trains run on time. ...
When the unions were strong and strikes were frequent, most people took these things for granted; now the score is working two or three jobs to make ends meet. But I'm not jealous of unionized workers who won a higher wage through hard struggle; they are my brothers and sisters, and I...
multinational corporation. The IRS has little chance of hiring or retaining the few such experts that exist while bound by government salary grades. AI is not the solution to the processing of tax returns either, as any AI significantly more advanced than TurboTax will keep arriving at the ...
The intensity of the light used in PDT is known as the fluence rate and is expressed as the output power over time per area or W/m2. Illumination at a certain fluence rate during a certain time gives rise to the total light dose known as fluence, expressed in J/m2. The impact of ...