In general, an acronym made up of more than the first letter of the major words in the expanded form is rendered with only an initial capital letter (Comsat from Communications Satellite Corporation; an exception would be NAM from Nonaligned Movement). Hybrid forms are sometimes used to d is...
Technology is continually undergoing a constituent development caused by the appearance of billions new interconnected “things” and their entrenchment in our daily lives. One of the underlying versatile technologies, namely wearables, is able to capture rich contextual information produced by such devices...
All Special IssuesHumulus lupulus: From Field to Glass and BeyondFusarium spp. and Plants10th Anniversary of Plants—Recent Advances and Perspectives2019 Feature Papers by Plants’ Editorial Board MembersAbiotic Environmental Stress Responses of PlantsAdaptation of Plants to Environmental Changes: Light and...
In addition to high-value equine industries in higher-income countries, equids are also still engaged in working in more traditional roles, i.e., they perform physical work (traction and load carrying) in service of people and communities. Specific examples include the equids used for tourism in...