Best tips on keeping your current account safe include using secured computer, beware of phishing e-mail, avoiding using public wi-fi hotspots & ATM skimmers, etc.
Current Account Explorer Looking for the perfect Current Account? Through Current Account Explorer, we can help you find one that suits your business needs. Current Account Explorer Your business has unique needs. Fortunately, we have myriad ofcurrent accountthat can cater to them. . Find the per...
Social security schemes: Public Provident Fund (PPF), Senior Citizens Savings Scheme (SCSS), and Sukanya Samridhi Account Scheme. Significance of Small Saving Schemes: Offering slightly higher interest rates compared to bank deposits. Some SSSs have income tax benefits and assured returns. ...
independent form factors f ±ðq2Þ for the semileptonic decays, we present the current-component independent tensor form factor f T ðq2Þ for the rare decays to make the complete set of hadronic matrix elements regulating the semileptonic and rare D ⟶ πðK Þ decays in our ...
Currency Swap Agreement: It is a financial agreement between two counterparties, which specifies the nature of an exchange of payments benchmarked against two interest rate indexes denominated in two different currencies. The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the ...
For distance calculation we used an anisotropic metric that takes into account the statistical uncertainty in both axis (see Supplemental method and figure SM2[A–C] for further details). (c) Assign to each observed and projected point two integers representing the sequence numbers – i.e. ...
ETFs trade on the cash market of the National Stock Exchange, like any other company stock, and these can be bought and sold continuously at market prices. All you need is a trading account with a share broker and a demat account. One may either buy in a lump s...
6 - Government proposed to allow premature closure of PPF account Government has proposed to allow premature closure of Public Provident Fund (PPF) accounts and permit opening of small savings accounts in the name of minor. It will make amendments in Small Savings Act in this regard. ...
In this paper, a current trajectory control strategy (CTCS) is proposed to take the cross coupling and magnetic saturation effects into account under voltage and current constraints. It can be considered as a calculating method considering parameter variation and separating among each iteration step ...
In fact, filling costs usually account for approximately 20% of the total mining expenses, thus constraining the widespread implementation of filling mining technology [20]. However, in the late 20th century, the emergence of solid gangue filling technology offered a cost-effective alternative. This...