in a study funded by the Home Office, the agency responsible for law enforcement and immigration in England and Wales, how respondents categorised themselves was the only personal information we asked for. However, many respondents provided demographic and other personal information in other parts of...
Melendez, Barbara | Partner - Kuck Immigration Partners Mellor, John | VP, Strategy & Business Development - Adobe Mellwig, Robert | SVP HR - Destination Hotels and Resorts, LLC Menon, Ajay | Dean, College of Business - Colorado State University Merigold, Catharine | Managing Partner - Vista ...
Recently this question has come up in relation to Sharia law, particularly after the Archbishop of Canterburysaid that some aspects of sharia lawwould inevitably be adopted in Britain. But the question doesn’t just arise in relation to Islam. Many religions have a group within who prefers the ...
The narrow majority vote in Switzerland against the 'massive immigration' foreseen as a consequence of accepting the European Union's commitment to free passage within the borders of 'Schengen Europe' has left the Brussels authorities in 'stupor' Postwar Era Has Ended, But Not Appetite For War...
An open migration policy may well be best in raw economic terms, but it should be for the British people to democratically decide whether they want to take the economic pain of slowing immigration, not for politicians who “know better” to overrule them. ...
of the Police Federation, implemented a harder line on drugs policy including the banning of khat, oversaw the introduction of elected Police and Crime Commissioners, the deportation of Abu Qatada, the creation of the National Crime Agency and brought in additional restrictions on immigration. ...
Attorney General, Commerce & Trade, Foreign Affairs & Immigration Joseph Lelang (CRP) – 1st Term; Kandrian-Gloucester Open Treasury & Finance Tobias Kulang (PNGCDP) – 2nd Term; Kundiawa Open Opposition Whip Public Enterprises, Public Service Francis Marus (PNG Party) – 2nd Term; Talas...
Homeland Security reported that repealing Title 42 restrictions and President Biden's stricter immigration policy has resulted in a 50% drop in border crossings. Border patrol personnel captured 6,300 migrants on Friday and 4,200 on Saturday, compared to 10,000 before Title 42 was repealed. Pres...
These, as we have seen, not only related to the responsibility of broadcasters but were also tied to broader social concerns about race and immigration, multiculturalism, racial difference and belonging. The coverage of racial extremists brought these questions into ever-sharper focus, as television...
Immigration becomes jihad when it is a stepping stone for transforming the existing community into an Islamic one. The Quran says, “Those who believed and emigrated and strove hard and fought in Allah’s cause with their wealth and their lives are far higher in degree with Allah. They are ...