On the basis of current knowledge, predictions of the future behaviour of pressure tubes due to hydride effects are extremely difficult. (Atomindex citation 15:022226)Leger, MOntario Hydro Research Lab.
Accelerating the Process of Water Pollution ManagementFeature PapersHydroacoustics in Marine, Transitional and FreshwatersHydrological Modelling and Remote Sensing: Selected Papers from the 2017 and 2018 SWAT International ConferencesHydrology, Water Resources Management and Protection of the Marine Environment-Se...
Second Roshydromet Assessment Report on Climate Change and Its Consequences in Russian Federation; General Summary; Roshydromet: Moscow, Russia, 2014; 56p. Biasi, R.; Brunori, E.; Ferrara, C.; Salvati, L. Assessing Impacts of Climate Change on Phenology and Quality Traits of Vitis vinifera...
Use of renewable energy Hydro, solar (thermal), wind power, and biofuels highly developed. Use of local natural resources; no or low greenhouse and toxic gas emissions. Applicability may depend on local resources availability and cost. Power from solar, wind, marine etc. are intermittent and as...
The severe oocyte atresia in the Oka may have been related to ED, but seems more likely to have been due to PAHs interacting with the aryl hydrocar- bon (AH) receptor rather than the result of an estrogenic effect. In summary, the field evidence for the impact of insect hormone ...
Chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) are persistent organic pollutants which are harmful to public health and the environment. Many CVOCs occur i
Landscape ecological modelling provides a vital means for understanding the interactions between geographical, climatic, and socio-economic drivers of land
Volatilization (2085 kg/yr) and flow out of the lake (516 kg/yr) are both important loss processes.; A method for the identification and quantification of current-use pesticides, synthetic musk fragrances, and PAHs was developed and used to measure these compounds over Lakes Erie and Ontario ...
City of Toronto and Ontario Centres of Excellence–Earth and Environmental Technologies. Bean, E. Z., Hunt, W. F., & Bidelspach, D. A. (2007). Field survey of permeable pavement surface infiltration rates. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 133(3), 249–255. Article Google ...
A recent study has conclusively demonstrated that Oxy-TT and Hydro-TT vaccines effectively reduce mortality resulting from lethal doses of hydrocodone and oxycodone [13]. This finding highlights the potential of active vaccination as a viable approach to combat the ongoing prescription opioid overdose ...