Adaptive Signal Control Technology Pilot Program The RTC, together with the City of Henderson and Clark County, has launched a smart adaptive traffic signal pilot program in Southern Nevada, along 14 intersections on Eastern Avenue between Beckler Drive and Pebble Road. Learn More Reimagine Boulder ...
交通噪声特性分析选取具有代表性的济菏高速和日东高速, 采取断面24 h连续监测对高速公路交通噪声特性进行分析.研究结果表明当前山东省高速公路车流量较大, 大中型车辆所占的比重越来越大;噪声值的变化幅度相对较小, 与车流量总量的变化基本上没有关系, 大型车对交通噪声值的贡献量占据主导作用.党广彬...
With the fast development of China's economy, national highway, city roads, car parks-building more and more on traffic control, improve safety management requirements with lean, intelligent transportation system (ITS) have become important directions of current traffic management development, ...
An Analytical Assessment of the Current MUTCD Guidance on Traffic Control at Divided Highway IntersectionMUTCD definition of median width not appropriate for opposing left-turn interaction. MUTCD criterion ignores important influence of median opening length. MUTCD criterion an oversimplication and often ...
First Coast Traffic: Worse Than Average; City Needs 65 Miles of Extra Highway Lanes Just to Keep Current PaceByline: TIMOTHY J. GIBBONS About to head out on your morning commute? Well, as you're...Gibbons, Timothy J
Doppler radars, of a road or freeway system. An elaboration unit (UE) generates information from detection information of the detectors, where the information relates to location of the vehicle against current of traffic on the card, to real time progression of the vehicle, or to starting and...
A Data Platform for the Highway Traffic Data. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 8th International Symposium on the Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented and Cloud-Based Systems, Raleigh, NC, USA, 29 September 2014; pp. 47–52. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Shtern, M.; Mian, R.; ...
Currently, the considerable sensitivity of the sensors to varying environmental conditions makes them unsuitable for air quality legislative compliance applications or for other applications that require high accuracy. However, some MSU sensors were found to be precise and thus capable of providing coarse...