HEALTHSAFETYAims to describe current issues in health and safety training in the UK, focusing on the training requirements associated with general workplace risks. Rasmussen's skill-, rule-, and knowledge-based errors are briefly described and training's role in promoting safe behaviour and in ...
Improved transport has the potential to alleviatecurrentenvironmental problems and certainhealth issues,such asthecurrentobesity epidemic. 改进运输具备缓解当前环境问题和某些健康问题(如当前的过度肥胖流行 病)的潜力。
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Current issues in health and social care for occupational therapy managers British Journal of Occupational TherapyLaycock, Sue
Current occupational health policy issues for universities in the United Kingdom. Per- spect Policy Pract High Educ 2006;10:45-51.Venables KM, Allender SA. Current occupational health policy issues for universities in the United Kingdom. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 2006;...
Prevention: Some Current Issues in the UKRuth GardnerIn England in the 18th century a famous writer and wit, Samuel Johnsononce returned an author's work with the following note:"Sir, your manuskript is both original and good. Unfortunately, thoseparts which are original are not good, and th...
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AI in Medicine Advocating for a Master of Digital Health Degree Josip Car, PhD; Eric J. Topol, MD Abstract Full Text JAMA. 2025;333(9):753-754. doi:10.1001/jama.2024.27365 This Viewpoint discusses the need for the establishment of a standardized Master of Digital Health (MDH) degree...
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The purpose of this national population study is to assess health education faculty's perceptions of advocacy related activities and determine their current teaching practices. The study surveyed 1150 health education faculty members regarding their personal involvement in health advocacy, their current ...