Most of the responses sought clarifications, while some had suggestions on provisions such as scope of space activities, regulatory mechanism, licensing and authorisation procedures, sharing liability burden with a limit on damage costs and penal provisions. NCTE Bill: It is the acronym for National...
I took GST registration as on March 2020 and not filed any return GSTR1 & GSTR3B till today due to no business, I have no transaction in R1, 3B only received 2 transactions of VRL. 168/-. now want to file from March20, April 20 to November 20, (GSTR & GSTR 3B) both. so ho...
It will not only automate Police functions at Police station and higher levels but will also create facilities and mechanism to provide public services like registration of online complaints, ascertaining the status of case registered at the police station, verification of persons etc. DoT and ICRIER...
such as value added taxes (VAT) or goods and services taxes (GST) could represent a better alternative. Examples of VAT/GST applied to digital services and intangibles are provided and point out that internal non-discriminatory taxes provide a broader tax base, and thus more...
The Karnataka-based Authority for Advance Rulings (AAR) has ruled that sales promotion companies that trade in vouchers will have to pay GST at the rate of 18 per cent and mention it on its sales returns. About: It held that since the voucher can be transmitted, transferred, delivered, ...
Fusion proteins with partners such as glutathione S-trans- ferase (GST), thioredoxin or maltose binding protein (MBP) are a more common approach to improve the target protein's production and solubility. However, the flexible linker between the fusion partners generally inhibits crys- tallization....
(GST), thioredoxin or maltose binding protein (MBP) are a more common approach to improve the target protein’s production and solubility. However, the flexible linker between the fusion partners generally inhibits crystallization. Furthermore, when the fusion partner is removed using a site-...
The negative swing limitation places a limit on how small of a sense resistor can be used in a given application. Equation 4 provides the limit on the minimum size of the sense resistor. IMIN u RSENSE u GAIN > VSN VREF (4) where: • IMIN is the minimum current that flows through ...
In transparent mode (RESET = low), when the differential input signal drops below the limit threshold level after the ALERT pin asserts because of an overcurrent event, the state of the ALERT pin returns to the default high setting to indicate that the overcurrent event is complete. Table 1...
A general guideline is to limit the voltage on both inputs to a total of 20 V. The exact limit depends on the available voltage and whether either or both inputs are subject to the large voltage. When making this determination, consider the 20 kΩ from each input back to the ...