Opportunities and Challenges in the Discovery of Allosteric Modulators of GPCRs. Methods Mol. Biol. Clifton NJ 2018, 1705, 297–319. [CrossRef] 14. Bartuzi, D.; Kaczor, A.A.; Matosiuk, D. Signaling within Allosteric Machines: Signal Transmission Pathways Inside G Protein-Coupled Receptors....
Smartphone-based analysis methods, with their portability, programmability, and visualization ability, offer new opportunities for foodborne contaminant detection. The conjunction of smartphone software programs and ratiometric fluorescence strategies has revealed a wide range of usage options within the scope ...
This complicates the estimation of opportunities to produce electricity or freshwater with the use of marine renewable energy sources here. Therefore, more research on the marine resources, especially presented in publications easily understood for the designers of energy conversion systems, will be of ...
Critical assessment: Opportunities in developing semi-solid processing: Aluminium, magnesium, and high-temperature alloys. Mater. Sci. Technol. 2017, 33, 759–764. [CrossRef] 25. Liu, D.; Atkinson, H.V.; Kapranos, P.; Jirattiticharoean, W.; Jones, H. Microstructural evolution and tensile...