The ceremony was held at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Indoor Stadium, Mumbai, Maharashtra. She was crowned by Miss India 2018 Anukreethy Vas from Tamil Nadu. Born on November 23, 1999. Suman has the title of Miss India Rajasthan 2019 and will represent India in the coveted Miss World 2019 ...
In May 2023, the unemployment rate in India for individuals aged 15 years and above declined to 7.7%, marking a decrease from 8.11% in April 2023.Meanwhile labour participation rate fell by1.1 %point to39.6%in May when compared to April 2023.T The decline in labor participation was notably ...
2. (d) Maharashtra Recently the Governor of Maharashtra C.P. Radhakrishnan said that a tribal university with 80 per cent reservation for students from tribal communities will be established in Nashik. The Governor met local representatives of various political parties during his Nashik...
It is the rate at which the central bank of a country lends money to commercial banks in the event of any shortfall of funds. The repo rate is used by monetary authorities to control inflation.Monetary Policy Committee:The Monetary Policy Committee is responsible for fixing the benchmark intere...
It introduces aerators and blowers, explains their use and maintenance, and provides solutions for oxygen-related challenges in ponds. Information on pond filling times and pumping rate equivalents enhances its practical utility for optimizing aquaculture operations. Details of the functions of the ...
The six monuments declared as Monuments as Monuments of national importance in 2018 are, Old High Court Building (Nagpur, Maharashtra), Haveli of Agha Khan (Agra, UP), Haveli of Hathi Khana (Agra, UP), Neemrana Baori (Alwar, Rajasthan), Group of Temples (Ranipur Jharail, Odisha), Vishnu...
): Instrumental neutron activation analysis of Rh in rock samples from Maharashtra. (English). p. 391–392. In:Kularni, S.G.;Manohar, S.B.;Sood, D. D. (eds). Department of Atomic Energy, Bombay (India). Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences. Proceedings of nuclear and radiochemistry...
Headquarter– Pune, Maharashtra SBM Bank (India): It is the first foreign bank (Mauritius) to receive a banking license from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and to establish a universal banking business in India through the Wholly Owned Subsidiary (WOS) mode. ...
In Maharashtra, an outbreak was linked to consumption of ‘Gaajar Halwa’. During this outbreak, 42 cases (56 %) were hospitalized in 2018. The clinical presentation and incubation period of the patients aligned with enterotoxin-producing S. aureus [50]. Other studies indicated the incidences ...
Why go anywhere else? India has it all! This is Maharashtra. It has hills, forests, history, wildlife, beaches and sea! Explore the clean and sustainable beaches of Konkan. There is something for everyone in our very own ...