翻译过来就是 Current-dollar GDP 是衡量一个经济体在一个特定时间段内的货物的市场价值,服务和所制造的组织.current-dollar GDP指数的变化可以分解为数量和价格两方面.数量,或"真实"测量,和价格反映在一个与当年相关的索引数字上.
If in some year real GDP was $15 trillion and the GDP deflator was 300, what was nominal GDP? If nominal GDP is $1.0 trillion and real GDP is $0.8 trillion, what is the GDP deflator? If real GDP is $8.1 million and nominal GDP is $8.3 million,...
GDPDevelopment plansStrategiesForecastARIMAAfarEthiopiaEthiopia has implemented numerous national development plans and strategies to achieve sustainable economic growth at both the national and regional levels, specifically in the Afar region. However, there has been a lack of assessment regarding the ...
Nominal and real GDP are not measured in the same way and as a result, the GDP deflator is not equal to 100. Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Eastern Caribbean dollars Data last updated: 03/2012 6 Argentina : Expressed in billions of national currency units . Expenditure-...
利比里亚2012的利比里亚 LR: GDP: Real: Net Current Transfer from Abroad是多少? 数值前次数值最小值最大值单位频率范围 19,544.60201220,696.652011626.57200028,092.512006百万美元年1999 - 2012 利比里亚 LR: GDP: Real: Net Current Transfer from Abroad的相关指标 ...
Real GDP is the value generated in an economy in a given year by the productive effort of its resources, calculated at the prices of the base year, which is a pre-chosen year with the least price level fluctuations. It can be viewed as the value that is derived afte...
Real GDP means the value of goods and services is measured in __ prices.A.currentB.ac
The stagnation of China's GDP in U.S. dollar terms in 2022 and 2023 was mainly due to the appreciation of the U.S. dollar. China's real GDP growth was three percent in 2022 and 5.2 percent in 2023. In 2023, per capita GDP in China reached around 12,600 U.S. dollars. Economic...
Current GDP is another name for Nominal GDP, and Constant GDP is another name for Real GDP. Constant and Current GDP are very different. Byalphaa10— On May 26, 2008 1. How does GDP differ from GNP? 2. If current dollar GDP subtracts the inflation factor from the cost of goods, ther...
Switzerland recorded a Current Account surplus of 7.60 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2023. This page provides - Switzerland Current Account to GDP - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and n