Gasliquid interfacial area have been determined by means of chemically enhanced absorption of CO2 in nitrogen as the carrier gas into DEA as well as DEAETG aqueous solutions in a packed bed upflow bubble column reactor with an inner diameter of 156 mm. The influence of the reactor pressure, ...
Do not expose the equipment to flammable or explosive gas or smoke. Do not perform any operation on the equipment in such environments. Do not store any flammable or explosive materials in the equipment area. Do not place the equipment near heat sources or fire sources, such as smoke, candle...
Gulbeyi Dursun, and Cevdet, (2006), Akosman Gas-liquid interfacial area and mass transfer coefficient in a co-current down flow contacting column, J Chem Technol Biotechnol, 81, 1859-1865.G. Dursun, C. Akosman, Gas-liquid interfacial area and mass transfer coefficient in a co-current ...
RCC gave an opportunity to build taller in cities which was a definitive choice due to increase in land prices. Over time, “RCC became a status symbol in Sikkim and people aspire for it”. The architect added that the banks don’t consider a ‘Katcha’ or temporary house such as ...
Pyrolysis normally refers to the breakdown of the rubber waste via incineration in an anaerobic condition, into smaller compounds such as fuel oil, gas, carbon black (CB), sulfur, and metal [63,64]. The fuel oil produced could be refined to filter out the sulfur, char, and ash to ensure...
in Yemen, as well as the scarcity of natural gas during the cold season, the primary difficulty of power generation during these seasons is to provide fuel for power plants. The power generation industry has been severely harmed by this reliance on oil and natural gas, and the development of...
2. The resources and development of wind energy in China 2.1. An overview of wind energy resources The wind energy resources can be quantitatively measured by the wind power density (WPD), which is defined as the mean annual power available per square meter of the swept area of a wind turb...
‘soft engineering’ strategy, which can be defined as supporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emission mitigation because CO2is recognised as a primary GHG (Kim and Coseo2018). In addition, natural vegetation in cities is known to improve the health and well-being of communities (Simon et al.2019;...
Review building of programs to eliminate Toxoplasma infections. Morbidity and mortality from toxoplasmosis led to programs in USA, Panama, and Colombia to
Putin’s aggression in Ukraine, combined with the impacts from COVID-19, increasing conflict, high prices for fuel and fertilizer, have combined to devastate already fragile global food security and nutrition. Millions of people living far from the conflict face an increased risk of poverty, ...