In February 2023, the “most feminist government” in the history of Spain, according to President Pedro Sánchez, passed what is commonly referred to as the ‘
“95 percent of Munich monuments show men. With the project denkFEmale, LMU student Amadea wants to change this and erects virtual statues of famous women. What began as a university course now culminates in a one-month city-wide exhibition.”CARLA GANNIS: THEORIES OF EVERYTHING...
I saw only the first of the newer versions. It was…ok. So taking myself off to the local Bow Tie Cinema in Hoboken to see “Oceans 8”– the new all-female version–was akin to approaching the franchise new.
and 4.0% were aged 51 years or older. Regarding gender, 33.5% of the respondents were male, and 66.5% of the respondents were female. Regarding educational level, 1.5% of the respondents had completed only high school, 50.1% held a bachelor’s degree, 33.7% held a ...