Radar Map See all maps Detailed Observations January 29, 2025 Sunrise 7:12AM Sunset 5:52PM Wind 16 km/h E Gust: 24 km/h Pressure 101.9 ↓kPa LowHigh Humidity 90 % DryModerateHumid Visibility 12 km Ceiling Yesterday Tue, Jan 28 H 15° L 9° Featured Videos Watch videos Conten...
Clark, TX Updated11 minutes ago 12 °C Clear Feels10 H:24°L:-1° Hourly Full 72 hours Radar Map See all maps Detailed Observations -- Sunrise -- Sunset -- No Data Available Wind -- Gust: -- No Data Available Pressure --
Flooding A second health consequence of large areas of impervious surface is their exacerbation of flooding. Flooding can affect human health by displacing residents from homes, causing drowning and injuries, increasing incidence of mental-health concerns such as anxiety and depression, contaminating drink...
= Multiple Articles (click to expand) – This map is updated every 600 seconds.Africa Number of Africans, surge in Latin America trying to get to the U.S. Sunni Extremists entering U.S with help from alien smugglers in South America Mexico giving unvetted Africans pass to get to U.S....
Ice storms in Texas, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee. Severe earthquakes in Iran, Argentina, Turkey, Asia, New Zealand, Japan and the Philippines. A volcano that all but eliminated Tonga from the world’s maps. Severe flooding in the mid and south east USA, Mexico and South America, Europe,...
They became the buyers of last resort, then consequently the buyers of only resort while at the same time flooding the world with liquidity and guarantees. These central bankers and the countries they allegedly strive to serve took on the debt and nigh worthless assets of the private sector ...
Hurricane Helene made landfall in Florida on September 26, 2024 in almost the same spot and followed the same path into Georgia as Hurricane Idalia in 2023. Gulf Coast flooding in Florida was basically the same. However, Perry went through the eyewall of both storms. It was heavily damaged...
Certain Native American tribes in the US have lost their land including the land barriers to protect them from flooding, which combined with their status not being federally recognized makes them vulnerable to devastating effects of hurricanes including challenges with housing [92]. A study of First...
The USGS warns an earthquake in the Canary Is may generate a Tsunami capable of flooding the East Coast. The New Madrid Fault is predicted to submerge the St Louis to New Orleans, even connecting the Great Lakes (25% of the world’s fresh water is here) to the Atlantic. An earthquake ...
In the coastal US, mangrove forests have been shown to prevent close to USD 11.3 billion annually in property damage and protect around 14,200 km2 of coastal area from flooding, with their greatest flood protection benefits observed during hurricanes [16,17]. Despite their capacity to attenuate...