(Physical Geography) a swirling mass of water and suspended material stirred up by a tsunami, a storm, a river in flood, etc Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Study on the cooling performance of sea salt solution during reflood heat transfer in a long vertical tube Following the March 2011 earthquake, the nuclear power plants in Japan were affected, and emergency systems were activated. The earthquake caused a tsunami... SW Lee,SM Kim,SD Park,......
Despite the different meanings of the term “flood” (Baker, 1994), flood hazard evaluation essentially consists in the temporal prediction of an extreme hydrological event of a given magnitude (peak flow or volume), while, its location and spatial extent (potentially inundated areas) are ...
A historical analysis of the water level dynamics in Lake Khanka for the last 10 thousand years showed that rises of the lake water level, shore erosion, an increase in flood frequency and duration, and an increase of the degree of waterlogging of the valleys corresponded to warm climatic ...
(WSUD), drained cities, and water-sensitive cities. This regulatory service directly addresses essential aspects of flood hazard reduction and the sustainable management of water resources (Green et al.2021; Khodadad et al.2023). Another important service is the regulation of air quality, including...
5) the complex topography of the Zanclean flood deposit includes a large channel about 2 km wide in the middle part of Fig. 5 (profile CU15-01 approximately between SP 500 and 600, ~3.7 s TWTT), which is filled by Unit 1c markedly onlapping Unit 2 with a poor to moderate lateral...
6. The configuration of the pin #1 identifier is optional, but must be located within the zone indicated. The pin #1 indentifier may be either a mold or mark feature. FN6797 Rev.1.00 Jul 24, 2018 Page 35 of 36 Notice 1. Descriptions of circuits, software and other related information ...
Negash E, Gebresamuel G, Embaye T, Nguvulu A. Impact of headwater hydrological deficit on the downstream flood-based farming system in northern Ethiopia. Irrig Drain. 2010;14:1–10.https://doi.org/10.1002/ird.2413. ArticleGoogle Scholar ...
and Kelly FJ (1994) Salinity variability within the Louisiana Coastal Current during the 1982 flood season. Estuaries, 17(4):732–739. Article Google Scholar Wiseman, WJ Jr., Murray SP, Bane JM and Tubman MW (1982) Physical environment of the Louisiana Bight. Contributions in Marine Science...