Named in honor of the legendary Sarah Vaughan, this competition has a rich history of showcasing exceptional vocal talents from around the globe. Sarah, known as "The Divine One," was a seminal figure in jazz music, renowned for her rich voice, intricate phrasing and impeccable intonation. Sa...
Rushmore of female jazz pianists. EH QUEEN ESTHER SYMPHONY SPACE / JANUARY 3 Queen Esther is a Southern-born, New York City-based vocalist, lyricist, songwriter, actor, solo performer, playwright, and librettist. She is the self-styled purveyor of Black Americana with her affirmative, Afro-...
"Goa Breeze"should be mandatory listening for all aspiring female vocalists. With the band in a very relaxed mode, Deb puts on a singing class for anyone interested in learning the perfect usage of vocal range. After continually hounding her about finding a man and settling down, I'm not ...