current events Category Archives:current events yeah, this is where we are now Posted onJanuary 28, 2025 4 Yeah, I don’t want to include a screenshot of this (because I don’t want it to show up in the link), but last night Comrade Donald Trump posted this astonishing and delusional...
No wonder it’s the month when kids and teens wish they could get more sleep. To find catharsis amid the sleep-related stress this month, many TikTok users recreated a scene from The Family Guy: Stewie getting ready for bed and muttering, “I should get some sleep,” before crying. ...
while at the older level, children read the articles on their own (and often, so do the parents once the kids are in bed!) and it sparks general conversation throughout the week,’ says Natasha.
This podcast is a great introductory source for children interested in international current events, or for parents seeking conversational entry points to talk to their kids about politics, science, and other newsworthy topics. The show doesn't skip over the big topics, either, with episodes focuse...
<nod> Whether it’s in the network, bolted on via an appliance or done on the hosts, this is and will always be true. Here’s the really interesting next step: I predict that the next bit wave in this evolution will be known as COPM for "Crack once, process many." In this model...
original Maureen McDonnell, we have created some of the most valuable content in a very long time. There are no greener pastures for our work, no moving on to the next shiny object, not when our kids still need so much. So, view, share and as ever, thank you for being part of the...
Current Events & Announcements,Shawn's Blog,The Overwatch By : Shawn Gately No Comments Had a tremendous time at Grand Tournament in Lehi UT. First off a huge huge hats off to Game Grid and Lou Rollins for putting on a great show (did I forget someone?) This was my first time at Ga...
If nothing else, call it an interesting alignment of events… Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, dedicated to the equality of all people, the service of others, and caring for their physical and spiritual needs. It’s “a day on, not a day off.” As his widow, Coretta Scott King...
But this week, I came across a conspiracy theory I could get behind! A couple of common conspiracy theories from recent years are how 5G circuits are responsible for all manner of things and that some kind of secret tracking chip is being implanted in people as part of the COVID vaccines...
so we have heard a lot about the price of gasoline during this presidential campaign. The implication is that Pesident Biden is responsible for high gas prices, and thus for inflation. However, that is not the whole story. Oil prices respond mostly to international events and it appears that...