Trump, on the other hand, wants to take the bus in the opposite direction. A big chunk of the US population is in favor of that. There are also a few third party bus drivers who have plans for the bus, and they all have their supporters. But let’s be honest about that; no bus...
A bus company that wouldn't allow a blind woman's service dog on a trip to the Shuswap Saturday says their policy revolves around the safety of all passengers on board. Saturday morning, Jessica Rathwell was planning on travelling from Surrey to Blind Bay on an Ebus, to spend Christmas wi...
President-elect Trump has been dubbed “The Twitterer-in-Chief” since he regularly takes to social media to strike back against anyone who criticizes him, from actor Alec Baldwin to New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd. Similarly, Ullrich points out in his book, that Hitler was a “deeply ...
Filed under Current Events December 09, 2008 Pinewood Racing at Carmody. Overall winner Anthony and his Beer Truck. Fastest car-Chad Best in show-Starfire and his Pirate Ship car/boat. Best paint-Carolyn and her Partridge Family Bus. Peoples choice-Steve and the Black Cloud. Most offensive-...
Of course there are lots of other, perhaps more impressive balloon events in other places but Plainville did a great job bringing these gigantic propane-fueled bubbles to town. The crowds have ensured its success over the decades, so if you missed it this year, there’s always next year. ...
We have created a new index to describe the time variability of coastally trapped waves over the last 25 years The ECMWF S2S forecast model skillfully predicts SSH along the U.S. west coast at le...
Many historically-significant events have occurred during the month of December. Below please find what I consider the most significant: 12/1/1955 – Rosa Parks was arrested in Montgomery, AL for refusing to surrender her seat on a bus to a white man. This action precipitated a year-long bu...
“Nike has chosen not to release the Air Max 1 Quick Strike Fourth of July as it featured the old version of the American flag,” a Nike spokeswoman said. After images of the shoe were posted online, Mr. Kaepernick, a Nike endorser, reached out to company officials saying that he and ...
Electrical events, such a detected arcing event within the structure, a power surge, a power outage, a lightning strike, or other events can trigger the driver to perform a characterization in order to detect changes and/or damage to the structure. In some examples, various electrical drive si...
The impedance of the FCL is adjusted to strike a balance between the damping of the current oscillation and the active power consumption of the FCL. The maximum resistance and reactance of the FCL are set to 0.5 p.u. and 0.75 p.u., respectively. The resistance of the FCL, based on ...