The Green Party has connected saving the planet with social justice and fairness. These are the causes that I find inspiring and I was happy to discover that many Londoners agree with me Britain's Geopolitical Strategy Great Britain has spent the last 20 years defining its place not in the ...
California [cops] improperly accessed a state database of private informationmore than 7,000 times in 2023…the EFF discovered…that…[cop shops] reported 7,275 misuses of the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System, or CLETS, to the state Department of Justice in 2023. The vast ...
Current Nigerian Governors and their States now has a comprehensive list of the governors of the 36 states of Nigeria and their pictures. Go check it out at profile for the FCT minister who serves as the governor of FCT has also been ...
the keeper of the human body’s delicate equilibrium. On a given day, minute by minute, it purifies the body of toxins it encounters from diet, climate, activity, and injury. It allows us to be and to move in the world. And yet most of us know so very little about these extraordinar...
Survey of Current Case Law of the Court of Justice
in law such as spreading terrorist content, child sex abuse, so-called revenge pornography, hate crimes, harassment and the sale of illegal goods together with harmful behaviour that has a less clear legal definition such as cyber-bullying, trolling and the spread of fake news and disinformation...
“if the claim in equity exists it must be shown to have an ancestry founded in history and in the practice and precedents of the courts administering equity jurisdiction. It is not sufficient that because we may think that the ‘justice’ of the present case requires it, we should invent ...
Meet Dr Gustav Brink, global thought leader in trade law (University of Pretoria)2025-02-21 Public Technologies: ) Expert in international trade law Dr Gustav Brink, an extraordinary lecturer at the University of Pretoria (UP), has once again placed South Africa on the global legal map by be...
Current Events Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl parade — As a law firm comprised of a staff born and raised in Philadelphia, we’ve been waiting a long time for our first Super Bowl... View More Info Starbucks Controversy Current Events On Thursday, April 12, two black men were arreste...
Kevin has edited encyclopedias, taught history, and has an MA in Islamic law/finance. This lesson plan introduces students to current events and guides students through two recent conflicts. Help students grasp the importance of recent history and learn how to discuss current events. ...