Current Affairs that is needed for UPSC IAS exam preparation is updated every day (except Sundays) along with General Studies Quiz (You will find Quiz under the Quizzes section in the menu) on this page. Please click below links to visit current events of respective days. These Current Affa...
Road Traffic Crash Kills Nine People In Florida:On Tuesday, August 6, 2024, Nine people were killed and one injured after a 2023 Ford Explorer drove into a canal in south Florida. The vehicle, which was carrying 10 people, failed to maneuver a bend, collided with a railing, and overturne...
It's a busy world out there, so that’s why we’ve boiled it all down to our top stories for each week of February 2023. We collect current events of the week starting and ending on a Friday, so make sure you check back at the end of every week to keep up-to-date on what's...
They are Bahrain, North Korea, South Korea, the Republic of Congo, and Liechtenstein.Parliamentary Board of BJP: Bharatiya Janata Party recently reconstituted the Party’s Parliamentary Board and the Central Election Committee (CEC).Key Highlights:...
27 Representatives and 5 Senators (5.9 % of the 118th Congress) were born outside of the United States, including Cuba, Germany, Guatemala, Japan, South Korea, and Peru. NOTE: The U.S. Constitution requires that Representatives be citizens for 7 years and Senators be citizens for 9 years...
After all, this section tests a candidate’s knowledge of Current Affairs and events taking place in society. The General Awareness section has made its way to the most coveted competitive exams like IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk, RRB Group D, SSC, SBI PO etc. Every aspirant should, therefore, ...
9, 2023, at 6:06 p.m. Save MoreReuters FILE PHOTO: The skyline of central Seoul is seen during a foggy day in Seoul March 4, 2015. REUTERS/Kim Hong-Ji SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea had its third month of current account deficit in 2022 in November, mainly hit...
10-04-2023 Russian Central Bank Russia 21.00 % 19.00 % 10-25-2024 Saudi Arabian Central Bank Saudi Arabia 5.00 % 5.25 % 12-18-2024 South African Central Bank South Africa 7.50 % 7.75 % 01-30-2025 South Korean Central Bank South Korea 3.00 % 3.25 % 11-28...
Published online:01 Aug 2023 Abstract|Full Text|References|PDF (433.8 KB)|EPUB 91Views 0CrossRef citations 0Altmetric Article Social work education in South Korea in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Serim Lee&JongSerl Chun Pages: 51-71 ...
Samsung Invest In Chip Production: On Thursday, March 16, 2023, Samsung Electronics plans to invest around $230 billion in South Korea's effort to become a global semiconductor hub. As part of the official plan, incentives like increased tax breaks and support for infrastructure will be offered...