Why Care About the French Presidential Race For most people, the knee-jerk reaction to an event on the other side of the world is, 'Why should I give a toss what happens in France?' While such foreign-policy prowess might be a hit at the local pub, would it really be smart to ig...
Posted inCurrent Events,History,Tyranny, taggedpoliticians,Washington DCon February 7, 2025|1 Comment » Attention, state-level politicians: the watchword is “Balkanization”. You need to seriously start thinking about it. Don’t sink into the comfortable, warm embrace of patriotic historical fant...
Trump) and world events (Syria, Russia) to the loss of so many cultural icons from my childhood (I’m still upset about Carrie Fisher), to seeing friends and loved ones struggle with losses and heartbreak, and feeling helpless about the best way to support them. ...
This study presents a thematic analysis of socialization messages about race and racism in White parents' reports of their discussions with adolescents about current events involving racism (e.g., police brutality toward Black Americans). Two samples of White parents of primarily White ad...
Do you want to find out about the rest of the events that happened around the world in previous weeks? Check out Current Events This Week: July 2023 to discover more and keep on top of the news. And if you enjoyed this article, why not drop a line to let us know, or share it wi...
we discuss issues around race and colonisation, white supremacy, anti-capitalism, patriarchy and gender, feminism. we focus on news and current events particularly from australia. we talk about DIY communities and social spaces, anti-authoritarian struggle, resistance and etc. feel free to contact ...
Check out Current Events This Week: October 2023 to discover more and keep on top of the news. And if you enjoyed this article, why not drop a line to let us know, or share it with others who are curious about the events of this week! Return to Top of Page Sources + About the...
Events suggest that the long-overdue crisis of China's Communist Party has arrived. China's crisis, as I have argued in the past, is that of political legitimacy America's Pacific Logic The United States does not intend to desert Asia at a time when China's power is growing Reassessi...
Brown faced off against David Cameron of the Conservative Party and Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrats. The candidates participated in the country's first ever televised debates. Clegg's charismatic and informed performance boosted his profile and he emerged as a serious contender in the race, ma...
current events Tag Archives:current events A Cautionary Tale Posted onFebruary 13, 2025 3 Ottoman Empire, early 17th century. Library of Congress At its height, the Ottoman Empire (1299-1922), controlled North Africa, much of the Mediterranean, and portions of the Balkans, Italy, Austria, ...