This is a bigger problem now than it has been in the past because of China’s growing military power. Taiwan’s strategy in the event of a Chinese invasion is to fight a long, guerilla war.
The event itself was both heartening and discouraging – heartening because many of the right words were said and sentiments expressed, discouraging because we have heard the same protestations that the Tories will open up their policymaking process on numerous other occasions in the past. The guest...
In any event, whatever the actual political reality and the culture that inspired Twain to write this piece as he did, he does seem to have captured, as he did so often, what it turns out is an enduring, perhaps, in a sense, a genetic, characteristic of the peculiar and continuously u...
Three decades ago, the twilight and subsequent end of the cold war-era global order gave a decisive boost to the so-called ‘third wave of democratisation’ (Huntington,1991; Weyland,2014) and dramatically altered many political conceptions. This epochal event called into crisis a number of po...
//; Politico, Biden administration joins call for ‘swift appointment’ of new WTO head, January 29, 2021,
COLUMBUS, OHIO – Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders participated in a town hall event in Columbus, Ohio, Sunday night. The event was televised on CNN. The town hall followed a joint appearance at a dinnerhosted by the Ohio Democrats. Each candidate also campaign...
s culture, to the binary system of classification we hold so dear … and thus surgical intervention serves aesthetic-politico purposes rather than strictly medical ones’ ([31]:402; see also [33]). Western societies are not alone in constructing sex and sexuality in strict dualistic terms or ...
TAC's Take:This news will not come as a total surprise for attendees of EBACE 2024 in May, who witnessed a significantly smaller event that lacked some major exhibitors including Bombardier and Gulfstream. This shift doesn’t necessarily indicate the end of the event’s importance in the indust... The US successfully testeda hypersonic missilein mid-March but kept it quiet for two weeks to avoid escalating tensions with Russia asPresident Joe Bidenwas about to travel to Europe, according to a defense offic...
Governance was determined by customary institutions constituted by politico-religious elites (notables, Imams) who led, through assemblies (“Djama’a”), the communities they belonged to [17]. Collective land was shared between nomadic families, groups of nomads and tribes, where membership, ...