The slightly higher valuesUopbotnainbeodndfrinogmtthhee laenftalayntidcarligmhetthcoodlicnagn wbeataetrtrjiabcuktetds,tothteheconrergelsepcot nodf imngagcnoeitlicis lesiatkuaagted, lionntghiteurdeicneasls.eTdhge-entdirefafescstesm, abnlydodfetmheagconoetliznagtiwonatefrfejacctkseitnatnhde tahne...
Finally, the samples (the mass before Batteries 2023, 9, 188 3 of 13 oxidation was 0.0846 g) were annealed at 225 ◦C under air atmosphere for 2 h. After cooling, the 3DM Cu/ZnO current collector was obtained (the mass of Cu/ZnO was 0.0843 g). 2.1.2. Fabrication of 3DM Cu@Li...