and the graph of ac looks like a sine wave, which means the current flows to and fro, our household current changes directions 50 times a second; hence you can see 50hz written on most of our electrical equipment. the below videos help to revise the chapter electricity class 10 frequently...
Current electricity is the most common form of electricity that is used to power up devices and appliances. Learn the generation of current electricity and more.
Electric Current Formula Today at the flick of a switch or turn of a knob we are having instant power. This is possible due to theelectric current. It is one of the important discoveries that helped us to revolutionize our way of living. From the time we wake up till night, our life ...
The freemovement of electronsis electrical current. The quantity of electrons that moves determines theability of a material to conduct electricity. Materials are classified asconductorsandinsulatorsbased on the power to conduct electricity. Electrical Current Conductorsare substances thatallow the...
PhysicsFormularyandElectricityEquations Formula wheel▼Important formulas Electrical engineering lawsElectronic engineering laws Electrical formulas as circle diagram (pie chart) The Formula Wheel of Electrical Engineering Vcomes from "voltage" andEfrom "electromotive force (emf)".Emeans alsoenergy, so we ...
Current Electricity Detailed Video Explanation: Read more: Important Topics Current Density Symbol and Unit [Click Here for Sample Questions] In the field of electromagnetism,the currentdensityand its measurement play an important role. Current Density is the amount of the flow of electric charge in...
An electric bulb uses the principle of heat generation in the filament due to electricity, and hence no magnetic effect is used. A geyser also uses the heat effect as the heating rod increases in temperature and causes the water surrounding it to boil slowly. The effect of...
is a macroscopic entity. We assume about the electric current through a conductor and not about electric current at a point. A corresponding microscopic, in the electricity field, is current density. In this article, we will discuss the current density formula with examples. Let us begin ...
tungsten wire, it becomes heated and emits light. most of the electric power drawn in the circuit from the electrical source is dissipated in the form of heat and the rest is emitted in the form of light energy. the below videos help to revise the chapter electricity class 10 electric ...
current electricity laws of physics ohm's law newton's laws of motion archimedes principle doppler effect kirchhoff's law law of reflection ampere's law faraday's law bernoulli's principle lenz's law si unit list unit of pressure viscosity unit unit of power density units unit of energy unit...