RELATEDSri Lanka prints Rs100bn through open market operations There have been warnings that the practice will over-accomodate tiny credit shocks, encouraging overtrading and asset-liability mis-matches in banks in the process as private credit and investments pick up. (Colombo/Nov30/2024) ECONOMYNE...
Tourism is one of the major contributors to the GDP of some of the South Asian nations such as Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka. As a sector, tourism is a huge creator of employment. The entire region has rich untapped potential in tourism. In the recent period, the tourism sector...
Currently, Sri Lanka follows several common ways of getting rid of plastics by dumping them in the incinerators or as landfill. This study mainly focused on the methods of plastic waste management, the current situation of Sri Lanka, available options, and proposals to reduce the plastic wastage...
which is better termed as ‘disequilibrium approach.’ The second view characterizes a completely reverse outlook that current account imbalance is an equilibrium situation in which the change in determinants can be self-sustaining,
“We respectfully urge you to listen to the voices of the steelworkers and everyone else whose economic security is tied to U.S. Steel – they are speaking loudly in unison that this deal must be approved,” the letter said. The White House has previously reiterated the president’s position...
Sri Lanka will hold a 51% stake in the project and the joint venture partners will retain 49%. The ECT is located some three km away from the China-backed international financial city, known popularly as “port city”. The International Labour Organization (ILO): It recently released its ...
Sri Lanka, West African coastal countries (Benin, Cabo Verde and Guinea), Ukraine and Zimbabwe have been added in the list of hotspot countries compared to the January 2022 edition of this report. Angola, Lebanon, Madagascar and Mozambique remain hunger hotspots. “Organized violence and conflict...
Topic: Personality in News 3. Jiya Rai becomes world’s youngest and fastest female swimmer to swim across Palk Strait. She swam from Talaimannar in Sri Lanka to Dhanuskodi in Tamil Nadu. She covered a distance of 29 km in 13 hours and 10 minutes. She is a 13 year old Maharashtra gir...
Table 1. Target bans on the ICE announced in various regions of the world. Target ICE banRegion 2025 Norway 2030 UK: Pure ICE vehiclesIceland, Ireland, Israel, Netherlands, Sweden, Hainan (China) 2035 UK: HybridsCalifornia (US), Columbia 2040 Canada, Egypt, France, Spain, Sri Lanka, Taiwa...
He won great Serbian Award Charter of Morava and his name adorns the Poets’ Rock in Serbia. He was honored with Seneca Award LAUDIS CHARTA by Academy of Arts & Philosophical Sciences, Bari, Italy 2024. He is Founder President of the International Academy of Ethics and conferred Doctor of ...