Time for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset in Swift Current – Saskatchewan – Canada. Dawn and dusk (twilight) times and Sun and Moon position. Takes into account Daylight Saving Time (DST).
dawndusksideinverted-V eventWe analyze 81 Freja inverted-V events to study the current-volt age relationship in different magnetic local time sectors. We use data from the F7 (TESP) electron detector. The events are categorized according to the current-voltage relationship so that in categories ...
Other times thoughts would flash into my mind, scraps of ideas, plans for projects I could design. (This time I’d had the sense to bring waterproof paper, along with a pen, so I could jot down the most promising ones. We’ll see if any pan out!) Esopus Meadows lighthouse (one of...
This gives a large-scale field-aligned current system which is upward on the dusk side and downward on the dawn side. This current system extends along the boundary between open and closed magnetic field lines to all local times, as indicated by the converging and diverging electric fields ...
In this study, we present conclusive evidence of Mercury’s ring current based on MESSENGER’s in situ proton and magnetic field observations. This ring current is bifurcated on the dayside due to the poleward mirror force at the subsolar equator. During active times, the total energy of ring...
The upward cur- rents intensified multiple times nearly at the same lati- tudes and times as aurora. This indicates that the SECS method properly found upward currents associated with the major auroral intensifications. Although SECS cannot resolve currents associated with small-scale (< 200 ...
During storm times, Ocan dominate both the pressure and the density in the plasma sheet. Because of the contribution from ion outflow, the plasma sheet is already oxygen-rich prior to substorm onset. At substorm onset the fraction of Ocontributing to the pressure and density increases. In the...
The initial distribution of ring current ions (at the minimum Dst) is extrapolated to all local times from AMPTE/CCE spacecraft observations on the dawnside and duskside of the inner magnetosphere spanning the L value range L = 2.25 to 6.75. Observations by AMPTE/CCE of ring current ...
Compared to Europe and the USA, the concentration of pharmaceuticals in Indian and Japanese waters have been found 40 times higher [13] and one order of magnitude lower [14], respectively, ascribed to the higher and lower consumption of pharmaceuticals in each country. The increase in the ...
times of 21:00-01:00,indicating that magnetic activity,e.g.magnetic reconnection and current disruption occur more frequently there.Statistically,the probability distributions of the B_y component and the tilt angle of magnetic field lines in the current sheet are approximately normal distributions,...