Define alternating current. alternating current synonyms, alternating current pronunciation, alternating current translation, English dictionary definition of alternating current. n. Abbr. AC An electric current that reverses direction in a circuit at re
To understand the benefits thatelectrical stimulationmay provide in veterinary practice, a basic explanation and definition of the electrical current parameters used are summarized inBox 20-1. Electrical Current/Waveforms Three types of currents are commonly used: (1) continuousdirect current(DC) (Figure...
In May 2019, a search was conducted through the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection electronic database (Clarivate Analytics, Philadelphia, USA) to identify the latest biotechnology publications. The following search string was used: TOPIC = (“biotech*”). This search strategy yielded publi...
I find that embodiment practices change depending on the social context in which they occur. My findings expand the literature on embodiment and sociologies of the body for a more robust and fluid definition of the ways individual actors practice and reflect on their own embodiment. By looking ...
Frank6 confirmed its existence at L~3-5 in Earth’s magnetosphere by in situ particle measurements of the OGO 3 satellite. The definition of ring current has decoupled from geomagnetic storms as the exploration of the planetary magnetosphere progressed. A general ring current refers to the ...
Eqs. (1–7) have been rendered dimensionless using the corresponding scaling variables as listed in Table1. They are written in their respective dimensionless forms as follows: Table 1 The scaling variables and their definition. Full size table ...
High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, MEDLINE, PMC, Embase, and other databases. Journal Rank: JCR - Q2 (Oncology) Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 19.8 days after submission; acceptance ...
definition in various disease sites (Weidner et al.2011). Thus, it is clear that the combination of improved imaging, both for delineation of the target volume and during treatment, will play a key role in future radiation oncology (Xing et al.2006). In this regard, the use of IGRT ...
3.7.1Definition Aturbiditycurrent is a sediment flow (Fig. 3.45) with Newtonian rheology (Fig. 3.3) and turbulent state (Fig. 3.46) in which sediment is supported by turbulence and from which deposition occurs through suspension settling (Dott, 1963;Sanders, 1965;Middleton and Hampton, 1973;Sha...
In subject area:Engineering The quarter bridge or single-switch inverter is considered to be a current source inverter because it has a large inductor in the DC current path that provides a stable source of DC current to the inverter.