Egypt recorded a Current Account deficit of 5.30 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2024. This page provides - Egypt Current Account to GDP - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news.
Philippines recorded a Current Account deficit of 4.40 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2022. This page provides - Philippines Current Account to GDP - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and n
International lending and sovereign debt All articles Related indicators Latest Reference Measure Economic growth 5.25 2023 percent GDP, constant dollars 17,174.0 2023 billion U.S. dollars GDP, current U.S. dollars 17,794.78 2023 billion U.S. dollars GDP per capita, current dollars 12,614.06...
would thus haveacurrent account deficitequivalent to 1.1%ofGDP;soeven if growth resumed in the region, [...] 因此,该区域经常账户赤字将达到国内总产值的1.1%;故即使 该区域恢复增长,也不会像危机之前的几年中那样出现国外收支盈余。
Thevalueof a dollar at the time at which it is measured. This varies from year to year, and, in times of highinflation, it may vary more often. For example, the current dollar value of $10 in 1950 is different from the current dollar value of $10 in 2009. Comparing current dollars...
Interestingly, the study finds that the Firm Size has a moderating effect, enhancing the influence of CR, DER, BOPO, and GDP Growth on ROA. This suggests that the size of the firm plays a role in strengthening the relationship between these financial ratios and the compa...
Govt gross debt Natl currency | Govt gross debt * % of GDP GDP corresponding to fiscal Natl currency | Current account balance U.S. $s | Current account balance % of GDP *_popular_variable. GDP, current prices NGDP National currency | Billions Expressed in billions of national curre...
美 英 un.短期债务 网络流动负债;流动债务;当今的欠债 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 短期债务 例句 更多例句筛选
How to Secure the Best Mortgage Rate To secure the best mortgage rate possible, consider the following tips: Improve Your Credit Score: Work on improving your credit score by paying bills on time, reducing debt, and addressing any errors on your credit report. Shop Around: Compare mortgage rat...
Remittances, percent of GDP 8.81 2023 percent Remittances 2,800.00 2023 million U.S. dollars Net errors and omissions -1,366.99 2023 million USD External debt 80.38 2022 percent Short-term external debt 19.40 2023 percent Short-term debt to reserves 21.88 2023 percent Foreign exchange reserves 85...