As the use of this platform has increased with the rollout of the ChAdOx COVID-19 vaccine and potential future use of the vector, particularly for viruses and other pathogens endemic to the same areas i.e. Ebola, LASV and Malaria, vector-specific immunity and its potential role in vaccine...
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Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a common and etiologically complex disease worldwide. Current guidelines for primary prevention, or the prevention of a fi
Recognizing, examining, and managing COVID-19-related neurological and behavioral problems in PWA is not straightforward. As we passed the 1-year mark and approaching the 2-year mark of the onset of COVID-19, more research is necessary to prioritize strategies for improving current evidence-...
Preexposure prophylaxis 2.0: new drugs and technologies in the pipeline. Lancet HIV. 2019;6:e788-e799.29. CDC. HIV: Paying for PrEP. Accessed November 21, 2021.30. CDC. PrEP during COVID-19. 2020.
COVID-19 somehow magically jumped out of the Wuhan wet market. Kennedy’s book will provide the ammunition needed for us lawyers to hold them all legally accountable for this Nuremberg Crime against Humanity.”—Professor Francis A. Boyle, author of the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of ...
President Donald Trump lashes out at a reporter during one of his COVID-19 briefings. Photo Credit: Reporters Without Borders *** What makes a great leader? Especially in time of national crisis? I found myself asking myself that very question the other day when President Donald Trump’s ...
Various pathological conditions that could increase ACE2 expression have been identified as potential risk factors for COVID-19. The potential of ECRS to reduce the risk of COVID-19 morbidity remains controversial. 1.11. Effects of retinoic acid and vitamin A on NECs Another hallmark of nasal po...
As the use of this platform has increased with the rollout of the ChAdOx COVID-19 vaccine and potential future use of the vector, particularly for viruses and other pathogens endemic to the same areas i.e. Ebola, LASV and Malaria, vector-specific immunity and its potential role in vaccine...
As Surgeons we often required to examine and perform procedures in head and neck patients and are in high risk of exposure to aerosol and droplet contamination. We did a literature search for research regarding tracheostomy and its post procedure care during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In ...