Current conflict reprises 1986 US-Libya clashDOUGLAS BIRCH
The IMF and World Bank have warned that the rising tide of conflict in Africa, especially in Sudan, is holding back regional growth and reversing long-term developmental gains. READ FOR FREE NIGERIA AFRICA IN 2025 Merger or bust for the opposition 10th January 2025 The challenge is ...
Rising Insecurity in Northern Kenya Over the past two months, an estimated 1,000 families have been forced from their homes in Baringo, a district in Kenya's northern Rift Valley, because of recurrent conflict between the local Tugen and Pokot communities ...
Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the research reported in this paper. The authors have no financial or personal relationships with other people or organizations that could potentially bias the results reported in this paper. Additional information...
International organizations estimate that there are currently some # conflict-induced IDPs, living mainly in Somali, Oromiya, Gambella and Tigray regional States 国际组织估计目前约有# 名冲突造成的境内流离失所者,主要住在索马里、奥罗米亚、甘贝拉和提格雷等区域邦。 MultiUn It monitors and analyses th...
In Range of North Korean Missiles China's Concept of Military Strategy Pakistan: Foreign Aid Failure Trump, China & Hawkish Rhetoric Conflict in Kashmir: From the Ground Up The Future of Japan - Russia Relations Deteriorating Sino-Japanese Relations US-China Maritime Disputes Making China Great Agai...
The regime of President Vladimir Putin has swiftly pivoted to much more serious gamesmanship in neighboring Ukraine The West Needs Russia's Help More than it Realizes Hopefully, leaders from both sides of this East-West conflict will calm down and start thinking of their own long-term ...
Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Low & middle income Low income Lower middle income Luxembourg Macao SAR, China Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Middle East & North Africa Middle East & North Africa (excluding high income) ...
Among many big stories coming out of the conflict in recent weeks, the most geopolitically significant concerns the Donbas. Made up of quasi-independent regions including Luhansk and Donetsk, the Donbas lies between Russia and Ukraine and has been a focal point of tensions between the two countri...
The rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem must also come about at the conclusion of the current conflict, as there clearly is such a temple in existence during the tribulation period (Dan 9:27; Matt 24:15; Mark 13:14; 2 Thess 2:4). Again, due to the intransigence of the Palestinians...