Today I am joined by two of my immigration law partners, Scott Bettridge and David Adams, to discuss the new immigration policy and initiatives under President Trump's 2.0 administration, and how employers should prepare for and respond to I-9 audits and ICE raids. ...
for a local contract, we have simply adopted the definition of "permanent resident" in the current Immigration Ordinance. 但就現時討論的 題目而言,關於身為永久性居民的海外合約公務員可申請轉以本㆞合約條件受聘的臨時安 排,我們只是採納現行㆟民入境條例 ㆘「 永久性 居 民」 的定...
immigration in England and Wales, how respondents categorised themselves was the only personal information we asked for. However, many respondents provided demographic and other personal information in other parts of the survey. The survey asked five open-ended questions, including—of relevance here–...
Brown, Colin | British Film Commissioner - Office of the british Film Commissioner Brown, Michael | Former CIO - Peter Piper Brown, Terry | VP of IT - General Mills Browning, Morgan | President - Emergenetics International Browning, Ph.D., Geil | Founder, CEO - Emergenetics International Brun...
Against Corruption, Director of Audit, Commissioner of Police, Director of Immigration and Commissioner of Customs and Excise. [...] 持有香港特別行政區永久性居民身份證的英籍和其他外 籍人士擔任政府部門的各級公務人員,但下列各職級的 官員必須由在外國無居留權的香港特別行政區永久性居...
if a different choice had be made. I hesitate to give this walking, talking ethics corrupter credit, but he just has to be smarter than to believe that. As usual, Moore is trying to con the dimmer members of the public, a large contingent among Americans who still pay attention to him...
Today, as Italy has transformed from a country of mass emigration to a country of mass immigration, the language learning of immigrants and refugees has become highly politicized. This politicization was exemplified in 2009 and 2010 when Italian law mandated the passing of a mostly written ...
Sir John Kaputin has lodged one against Deputy Prime Minister Leo Dion for ENB Regional; Sir Barry Holloway has filed another against EHP Governor Julie Soso (the only petition against any of PNG’s 3 woman MPs); while former Police Commissioner Gari Baki and Commander of the Defense Force ...
membership in a particular social group or political opinion; and is unable or unwilling to avail himself/herself of the protection of that country, or to return there, for fear of persecution." The UN established the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in 1950 to handle...
In a state- ment signed by three Canadian ministers—Foreign Affairs; National Defense; and Immigration, Refu- gees, and Citizenship—the government condemned the escalating violence in Afghanistan, especially against women, girls, and ethnic minorities. It also announced a suspension of the embassy'...