Over a month has passed since Vladimir Putin launched his ‘special military operation’ to subjugate Ukraine. Russia’s blatant and unprovoked invasion of its neighbour has caused amajor international crisis, with Britain and other NATO powers being presented with the hard task of helping the Ukra...
Military / Army / E-9 / Command Sergeant Major Military / Army / Sergeant Major of the Army Military / Army / W-1 / Warrant Officer 1 Warrant Officer 1 Military / Army / W-2 / Chief Warrant Officer 2 Chief Warrant Officer 2 Military / Army / W-3 / Chief Warrant Officer 3...
The BRAC and Army, between them, did lots of damage there. The Army outsourced the maintenance of Walter Reed to a civilian firm. The BRAC then decided to close Walter Reed. (During a war! But the idiocies of various government entities during this war are entire other rant...) The civ...