In 2025, each calendar month contains exactly one Full Moon. Explore Sun, Moon, PlanetsStarsConstellationsComets Loading stars... LIVE 2025/01/25 13時14分06秒 Our Interactive Night Sky Map simulates the sky above Swift Current. The Moon and planets have been enlarged slightly for clarity....
The orbital elements for asteroids (minor planets) and comets are valid for some limited time only. If you are interested in observing them, you should regularly (2-4x/year) use the Solar System Editor plugin to update to the latest orbital elements. The process is described in the User Gu...
Induced magnetospheres form around conductive non-magnetized planetary objects (such as the ionospheres of Mars, Venus, Titan, Pluto and comets) in the electrodynamic interaction with a magnetized flowing plasma, such as the solar wind. The resulting induced currents couple the ionosphere and the de...
Fig. 1.A) tDCS/tACS application with 35cm swamp electrodes. The anode is placed in a dorsolateral prefrontal position (electrode position F3), the cathode in a supraorbital one (electrode position Fp2). The head model was created with Matlab/Comets (Jung et al., 2013). B) Different neuroph...
In the following years we are planning intensive modernization of the PFN network including installation of dozens of new digital cameras.doi:10.1016/j.pss.2017.03.013Wisniewski, M.Comets & Meteors WorkshopZoladek, P.Comets & Meteors WorkshopOlech, A....
It is expected that our toolboxCOMETScan contribute to popularizing the numerical analysis of cortical stimulation current in the field of noninvasive electrical brain stimulation. Cite this article Jung, YJ., Kim, JH. & Im, CH.COMETS: A MATLAB toolbox for simulating local electric fields genera...
Importantly, such isolate-level models could help us construct community-level model via dynamic Flux Balance Analysis (dFBA) in the model frameworks (e.g., COMETS, OptCom and μbialSim) (Harcombe et al., 2014, Popp and Centler, 2020, Zomorrodi et al., 2014). In simulation with ...
Even though evidence now points to a more natural explanation for the dimming of KIC 8462852 such as dust, comets, trojan asteroids, and/or planets with rings [155], [156], [157], [158] the observations demonstrated the value of current data and archival data in the search for evidence ...