Class actions are likely to be one of the most topical issues in the field of civil procedure at the present time. The issue of aggregate litigation provides anRemo CaponiSocial Science Electronic PublishingCaponi, R. (2012). Collective Redress in Europe: Current Developments of "class action" ...
According to a recent Bloomberg Law article [subscription required], in the past year there has been a sharp decline in active civil suits against cryptocurrency exchanges, digital wallet, mobile phone providers and others involving claims related to crypto hacking incidents...
Snipers and hunters wear Ghillie suits to avoid detection. “You really can’t be seen, even in they shine a spotlight on you. They’re amazing!” R. said. What he hadn’t said was that you look like Chewbacca covered in Spanish moss when wearing them. And they catch branches and lea...
It suits you. Your belt matches your shoes. Sorry. Just one minute. I haven't decided (chosen) yet, sorry. Would you please come back in a few minutes. I haven't decided yet. Sorry. I'm not ready. I need five more minutes. Can you please give me 5 more minutes. Could I pay...
By this time, you have a heater, loose carpet on the floor, and, if you want to shut out the world, you can draw the insulated blinds or curtains and really have a cozy place for your neighbours to join you. If you want such a room, it is there for the ordering. The San Remo...
If you're in the mood for a competitive reality program, Top Chef features cooks competing with one another to make the best possible entrées. With this diverse range of Bravo programming, you're sure to find something that suits your tastes. Out of all the Bravo shows on now, which...
The lawsuits, which stand at least two dozenÊaccording toÊReuters, come in a number of different flavors, including one suit that alleges that Equifax was guilty of equities fraud, while a number of other suits are specifically targeting EquifaxÕs response to the hack such as its offer...
The main aim of this paper is to shed light on the history of wearable devices and provide a state-of-the-art review on the wearable market. Moreover, the paper provides an extensive and diverse classification of wearables, based on various factors, a discussion on wireless communication ...
To many, the attainment of some sort of earthly paradise seems possible, maybe even imminent: if only those who refuse to join in the effort would cooperate. What to do? Well, these words from Hilary White's piece seem to be where we should start. They're especially appropriate for Lent...
and protective suits and interact with doctors and nurses, as described in detail by the magazineVICE(Cole,2020). In fact, at the beginning of April 2020, more than 1000 videos were found on the pornography platform under the search term “Corona” and more than 100 videos were...