To further characterize HCN channel expression in the two groups of IN (Fig. 8Ca,Cc), we per- formed immunohistochemical double staining for the presence of nNOS (red fluorescence ) and HCN2 (blue flu- orescence; Fig. 8Cb,Cd). While nNOS-negative IN (11.0 ± 0.4 μ...
Since C depends on the sweep rates in the CV test, the device is usually charged and dis- charged at different rates and thus at different powers19. The stored energy is estimated from the dc capacitance and the voltage window capacitive behavior11. as E = CΔV2/2, and ...
Taiwan; 2 Department of Electronics Engineering, State Polytechnic of Cilacap, Cilacap 53211, Indonesia 3 Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 11677, Taiwan * Correspondence: Citation: Nurrohman, ...
Conclusions We investigated three different switching modes, namely, bipolar, complementary, and unipolar resis- tive switching (BRS, CRS, sition from BRS to URS is atnypdicUalRlyS,irrreesvpeercstiibvleelyd)u, eintoathsiengglreeaPtt/dSiifOferx/eTnicNe stack. Although the in operating current ...
leuaoclnr-adr wminriwnrinengaeaigieieigsttsttduhneiuhieaalsieslactC/tas/CiiiteoiteonoPsoPxxnnresrtasstrsranakiaoainnondecnfccfdeedcemhllplmlulupaplusuudvdurrllolaaeeoletatirgdgibrptptrrvhselhseelieaceiegessgonbssnwnbmiicwiaoooiaioilneninlln-nol-rgosrggehhg,ieglgglaiageesciunvvcsouspliesesm...
lpgaocriittihvme).g iMveesaanbwohuitle2,% th(ien deuxcistitvineg) aanldgo3r.1it3h%m( cgaipvaecsi tiavbeo).uItn 2a%dd i(tiinodnu, cthtieves)o uarnced cu3.r1r3e%nt is (icnappahcaistievwe)i.t Ihnt ahdedsiotiuornc,e tvhoe lstaogu...
Possibility to extend the shelf life of NFC tomato juice using cold atmospheric pressure plasma. Sci. Rep. 2020, 10, 1–13. [CrossRef] 28. Fulcheri, L.; Rollier, J.D.; Gonzalez-Aguilar, J. Design and electrical charaterization of a low current-high voltage compact arc plasma torch. ...
hctaiorgnewtherroeutg+honthoendeosuidbeleoflatyherjurengctiioon iins dthifefetriepnt(sfhroamdetd+ oin rtehde ointhFerigsuidre,7tbha) tto the numbejruonfctmionolwesillorfeicotinfys t(hcaetciuornrsenatnfdlowaniniognths)roinugthhethbeujulkncstoiolnu.tWione cianntnhoewtipret(ushrnadtoetd...
[67] introduced the use of FBG sensors for mine monitoring in SGcehrrmoeacnky.eFtoarl.a[n66a]ncahnodrWboilltl,[6s7e]nisnintrgofdibuecrewd aths egluuseedoifnFaBgGrosoevnesaonrsdfcoorvmeriendebmyosnpietcoirailng in Gepeorxmyarneys.inF,owr aitnh aanfcibheorrfboorltte, ...