I first noticed it many years ago in reading the Catholic press. For as long as I've been a Christian the struggle between orthodox and progressive theology has been a highly visible fact of life in the Christian world. (I'm using "progressive" as a convenient way of referring to the t...
Like father Adolph (Noble Wolf) in the Eagle’s Nest, daughter Merkel is in Munich (Munich=Monk; Benedictine Monk) with her version of Adolph’s Munich Putsch in 1923. Angela’s Merkel’s Munich Putsch is an EU SuperState. Ever wonder why “Monk” is not in the bible? Monks are in ...
Catholic Doctrine vs Scripture Don't Forget the Children If Jesus had children coming to His door one night a year, what would He do? Keywords: Other Subjects Basic Gospel Halloween Children What to do When a Mosque Comes to Town What should Christians do when a mosque comes to town?
Rod Dreher has anangry, searching piecein response to the news that the Catholic Bishop of El Paso, Mark Seitz, has apparently been joyfully intimidating American Customs & Border Protection Agency guards into allowing already-rejected or returned migrants from Central America back from Mexico into ...
Catholic church from inside We lingered for a while in the church, perhaps too long. Even in disuse, its soaring arches and echoing interior conveyed a sense of peaceful melancholy. But finally the skies outside the windows had lightened too much to ignore, and we regretfully took our leave...
The work is part of a larger decoration scheme within the chapel that represents much of the doctrine of the Catholic Church.We have seen prophets, and we will see an oracle: the Delphic Sibyl.—ooo—I am recovering, except for my sight. It will soon be restored. What an accident....
theology, philosophy, current events, literature, poetry, music, and everything else from a Roman Catholic perspective
Catholic Society, Chinese University Hong Kong | 香港中文大學天主教同學會 Eastern Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp (ECCCLC) | 加拿大東岸天主教華人生活營 Hong Kong University Catholic Society | 香港大學學生會天主教同學會 The Catholic Society (KATSO), HKUST | 香港科技大學天主教同學會 ...
Bible Versions New Living Translation (NLT) New King James Version (NKJV) Changes in Bible Versions Theological Importance Modern Versions Gospel Seeds in Zambia Grow Flourishing Churches Missionary tells how Chick tracts have helped him establish and build churches in Zambia. ...
Pence, the Irish-Catholic Altar Boy turned Evangelical Christian? Sure thing; “Love God”, “Love your Neighbor” Mike; pretty hard to understand that isn’t it? “Gay Conversion Therapy”; Pence went from Gay to Married in 1 Yr. Pence stated in 1983 “Gay Conversion Therapy saved my ...