Year 2014 pushed the country into the deep sea of difficulties, as number of cases rose to red alert level of 328. Security situation has adversely affected the whole immunization coverage campaign. In a country where 40 polio vaccinators have been killed since 2012, such a big number of ...
Since 1894 there had been smallish though increasingly ominous clusters of cases around the country. The first, in Vermont, affected 132 and killed 18; strangely, domestic animals were also affected even though polio is a disease of humans. The worst so far had been in 1907, which began in...
The process for certification of polio eradication has been established in each WHO region as well as at the global level. The impact of the eradication initiative is evident, with an 88% decrease in the number of reported cases globally since 1988. In order to achieve the goal of ...
In particular, Article 41 of the Constitution of India directs the State to provide public assistance to its citizens in case of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement and in other cases of undeserved want within the limit of its economic capacity and development. It aims to provide ...
The amicus curiae appointed by the High Court of Kerala to assist it in a slew of flood related cases, has recommended appointment of an independent expert committee headed by a superior court judge to ascertain what caused the floods of August 2019 and to come up with recommendations for ...
Only two cases of the disease were detected early this year — one in Pakistan and Afghanistan each. These are the only two countries where the disease is endemic. About: Poliomyelitis (polio) is a highly infectious disease that invades nervous system. There are 3 typesof wild polio virus- ...
This technique can be tailored for broader disease surveillance, potentially resulting in speedier vaccine manufacture and fewer polio cases.[2] Sources [1] Reuters [2] The Guardian Return to Top of Page Our Top Stories for the Week of August 18, 2023 It’s been a busy week, from the ...
attenuated viruses have been used safely for decades to vaccinate individuals preventing countless cases of polio, mumps, measles, rubella and other viral diseases. However, due to a fraudulent study and a media explosion, some individuals falsely believe that vaccines cause autism. We suspect that ...
Initially (between 1950–60), wild-type viruses were used to induce the remission, which worked successfully in some cases but proven to be dangerous to many patients due to uncontrolled infection [25]. The risks associated with the use of natural viruses led eventually to the dissolution of ...
Source of infection Human is usually considered to be the only reservoir of human EVs, and both cases and asymptomatic infections are the sources of HFMD infection. The virus can be detected in the pharynx and feces of infected individuals in the days before the onset of illness, and is ...