V. et al. Graphene-on-diamond devices with increased current-carrying capacity: carbon sp2-on-sp3 technology. Nano Lett. 12(3), 1603–1608 (2012). 26. Barreiro, A., Börrnert, F., Rümmeli, M. H., et al. Graphene at high bias: Cracking, layer by layer sublimation, and ...
• 7.4 x 7.6 x 7.0mm surface mount package • Ferrite core material • High current carrying capacity, Low core losses • Controlled DCR tolerance for sensing circuits • Inductance range from 70nH to 220nH • Current range from 35 to 108 amps...
The determination of wire current carrying capacity is a compromise between performance, size, and cost. It is affected by many design constraints such as operating frequency (harmonic content of the waveform) and the winding proximity/geometry. It generally ranges between 250 and 1000 circular mils...
critical dopingp* = 0.19 where the pseudogap closes15. In16it was reported that the mean field value of the heat capacity jump at the critical temperature,Tc, and therefore the condensation energy, increases up to the maximum oxygen stoichiometry O7, beyond optimal doping, in bulk YBCO. ...
[130]. When formulated in an LNP,AA-T3A-C12showed enhanced association with σ-receptor-mediated delivery of siGFP in activated 3T3-GFP fibroblasts (Table3). The LNP delivery efficiency was significantly influenced by the number of amino groups present on the lipidoids to whichp-anisamide was ...
The total pinning force, Fp=Jc×B, is enhanced by an increased number of elementary pinning sites of optimised size and distribution14. However, the normal and superconducting (SC) state properties of cuprate materials are strongly governed by hole doping of the superconducting CuO2-planes. ...
expression. The co-cultivation of tumor and normal stromal cells as in a natural tumor microenvironment (TME) provides heterologous interactions in the study, positively influences the invasive capacity of tumor cells, and natural spread of the tumor cells from the spheroid is observed (Fig.3A) [...
FP: Fusion peptide hACE2: Human angiotensin converting enzyme-2 HR1: Heptad repeat 1 HR2: Heptad repeat 2 mAbs: Monoclonal antibodies NTD: N-terminal domain RBD: Receptor binding domain RMSD: Radius of gyration root mean square deviation ...
Recent studies have elucidated the critical role of lipid peroxidation in the pathogenesis of PF. Excessive ROS production or depletion of antioxidant capacity leading to heightened oxidative stress has been implicated in fibrotic development across multiple organs, including the heart, liver, and lungs ...
Second, the highly invasive capacity of GBM cells might contribute to tumor recurrence and treatment resistance [205]. The different invasive potentials of GBM cells increase their intratumoral heterogeneity. Specifically, cells in the tumor core exhibit heightened proliferative capacity, whereas those at...