Months after Helene’s flooding, wildfires erupt in parched Carolinas 1:50 Bobcats spotted lurking around Calgary, how to coexist with them Community rallied to save Rex the dog trapped on icy Ontario lake 2:04 This small Canadian city is having one of its snowiest winters on record ...
Partly cloudy Feels-4 H:2°L:-2° Hourly Full 72 hours Your weather assistant Ask more How's the weather this evening? Will it be nice this week? What's a polar vortex? Weekend forecast? When should I go for a walk? Radar Map ...
Number of publications on LiDAR data fusion and general publication trend in LiDAR in forestry applications over the last decade. The shaded bars refer to the various LiDAR platforms. Multiple platforms indicates that LiDAR data from two (or more) different platforms was fused. Note 2023 only incl...
the Canadian Forest Service (CFS), as part of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), tasked with monitoring all active wildfires in Canada on a daily basis. WildFireSat’s scientific objective supports...
WildFireSat is a satellite initiative with a planned launch late in 2024 by a consortium of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA; Table4), the Canadian Forest Service (CFS), as part of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), tasked with monitoring all...
2021.11.01:De Havilland and the Canadian pursuit of a hybrid-electric turboprop 2021.10.28:A very real pilot shortage threatens to upend the U.S. airline recovery 2021.10.20:Aviation’s addiction to growth is overriding its ability to lower emissions ...
Full 72 hours Your weather assistant Ask more Suggest outdoor activities A good time for a walk? Weather for evening commute? What is a blue moon? Weekend forecast? Radar Map See all maps Detailed Observations -- Sunrise 6:41AM Sunset ...
PM2.5 consists of organic and inorganic components originating from various sources such as residential fuel combustion, industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, and wildfires [44]. It enters the central nervous system through multiple pathways, including olfactory neurons, the blood–brain barrier, and th...
Vincent Massey Collegiate, QC Updated11 minutes ago -6 °C Clear Feels-12 H:-6°L:-9° Hourly Full 72 hours Your weather assistant Ask more Radar Map See all maps Detailed Observations March 3, 2025 Sunrise 6:29AM Sunset 5:43PM ...
We have TWO first days of spring, but which one is real? 1:00 Carbon monoxide turns deadly this winter, deep snow and cold raise risks Maple syrup is a classic Canadian treat, but is it good for you? 1:05 La Niña’s decline: Anomaly fading fast throughout winterWeather...