2019/20 Australia's bushfire season(Black Summer fires)occurred during a period of record breaking tempera-tures and extremely low rainfall.To understand the impact of these climatic values we conducted a preliminary analysis of the 2019/20 bushfire season and compared it with the fire seasons ...
Australia was once considered an international leader in developing HIA, but the progress since has been inconsistent around the country [65]. HIA remains poorly integrated into policy development and decision-making in Australia, as there is limited legislative support in considering the health impacts...
Examples of open biomass burning include burning of agricultural waste, forest fires, wild fires, bushfires and land clearing, whereas examples of enclosed biomass burning includes domestic biofuel burning (e.g. wood, animal dung, crop residues) for cooking and heating and domestic/industrial ...
To understand the impact of these climatic values we conducted a preliminary analysis of the 2019/20 bushfire season and compared it with the fire seasons between March 2000 and March 2020 in the states of New South Wales (NSW), Victoria, and South Australia (SA). Forest and fire management...