Bitrates offers real time Bitcoin (BTC) market data, market capitalization, and graphing tools including extensive historical data, analysis and conversion to USD.
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2017-10-11$5,000 2017-08-05$3,000 2017-05-21$2,000 2013-11-28$1,000 2013-11-17$500 *Dates in Gray Font are the Original Predictions Bitcoin Prices in USD Current$84743.78 All Time High$108884.55 $1,000,000 in Bitcoins Bitcoins12 ...
Latest Price Values in Live Crypto Money Market #NameSymbolPrice (USD)Price (EUR)Market Cap% Change (1h)% Change (24h)% Change (7d) 1BitcoinBTC$96.136,49€91.709,41$1.905.974.733.4660.13%-0.98%-1.21% 2EthereumETH$2.758,21€2.631,20$332.517.171.0150.49%2.78%3.6% ...
Bitcoin price history, BTC 1 day chart with daily, weekly, monthly prices and market capitalizations
Bitcoin price history, BTC 7 days chart with daily, weekly, monthly prices and market capitalizations
Find out how much bitcoin you have in USD, or make quick conversions to learn precisely how much bitcoin there is to a dollar. Convert bitcoin to USD instantly!
Add additional logos to 'drawables' in case of a new Top 10 Add USD/EUR conversion Add background activity to avoid startup time Improve scalability of text and bitmaps Add 24hr/7day graphs for each currency, and 24hr Low/High Portfolio tracking ...
We are stuck with very little hard data until later in the week, allowing time to contemplate stock markets and the US political scene.
This function fetches the current price of Bitcoin from a reliable data source. It returns a Promise that resolves to the current price in USD. Examples Here's an example of how to use thegetBTCPrice()function: constbtcPriceChecker=require('btc-price-checker');btcPriceChecker.getBTCPrice()....