Latest Price Values in Live Crypto Money Market #NameSymbolPrice (USD)Price (EUR)Market Cap% Change (1h)% Change (24h)% Change (7d) 1BitcoinBTC$87.997,11€81.483,65$1.746.055.688.047-0.06%1.26%5.33% 2EthereumETH$2.061,37€1.908,79$248.692.337.386-0.35%-0.16%6.17% ...
#Currency (604)Rate, USDChg., %1M Chg., %Market CapVolume1M Chart 1 Bitcoin (BTC)$82,024.25-2.44%-12.21%$1,627,249,575,613.10$23,922,032,802.48 2 Ether (Ethereum) (ETH)$1,905.58-1.18%-29.68%$229,859,299,522.84$9,691,847,548.26 ...
Bitcoin price history, BTC 1 day chart with daily, weekly, monthly prices and market capitalizations
Bitcoin price history, BTC 7 days chart with daily, weekly, monthly prices and market capitalizations
investors still have an average unrealized profit of 37%.From this perspective, the stability of SOL's chip structure is far inferior to that of BTC. Conversely, $141 is also a very strong support level. As long as the bull market consensus remains, the closer it gets to this line, the...
ticker.total_supply: ticker.max_supply) }else{ throw 'symbol not found' } } function main() { Log(GetSupply('BTC')) // Get total current supply Log(GetSupply('BTC', true)) // Get max supply } 策略出处 更新时间 2018-10-...
=nil{fmt.Printf("%v",err) }fmt.Println("# GetCurrencyHistoryByCurrencyID")for_,v:=ranged{fmt.Printf("timestamp %v timeUTC: %v MarketSupply: %d PriceUSD: $%.2f PriceBTC: $%.2f VolUSD: $%d\n",v.Timestamp,v.TimeUTC,v.MarketSupply,v.PriceUSD,v.PriceBTC,v.VolUSD) }...
(ZdFsNhos)r,t tpraanlisncdrirpotmioinc rcbtcdarcitcnhheelleeciaiiopcprrlltnnmllieelmeeiviuteeccaaaytad--iaiytgtaddatpssteopenneiiess(mrm(esrssCC-.islfaefetAfiRRoohkolnnfsrIcIrreeossSScbiitirbPnoPoeoaehrenfcRRrtntdftgtleaaea))eutiae--rlecrlnCdClgtrti((eguoenea3a3dultrstsDgsyDiet9l9,ttin...
Note: It might take a minute or so on the 1st run to complete execution as it reads the basic details for each crypto-currency on and saves it locally to a cache file (cryptocoin_fanboi.yaml).mycoins gem bitcoin portfolio...