The series was originally produced by Black Pearl Productions but is currently produced by Syndicated Productions and Telepictures Productions, while distributed by Warner Bros. Television Distribution. It is taped at NBC Tower in Chicago but includes cases and litigants from other U.S. juri...
It was 80 years later, that President Obama (in September, 2016) cleaned up FDR’s mess by inviting relatives of the 16 men and two female black athletes of 1936 Olympics to the White House, where they finally received their long overdue recognition by a U.S. president. FDR’s racism r...
Undercurrent online magazine is your ultimate destination for fashion styling, current fashion trends for women and all the styling concepts you need.
Innovative street artist Elam Nikserof understands the real power of the revolutionary Apple Pencil that "feels like a true writing instrument" without requiring all the wood, sharpening or even an eraser. "After experiencing the over-the-top design and marketing that Apple did for this product,...
I just wrote about a detailed calculation of COVID deaths and theirpotential electoral impact in Georgia, my home state. One factor that causes COVID deaths to have little political impact in Georgia: the state has a large black population which is disproportionately impacted by COVID, and this...
Most of us knew that Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 would be one of the biggest games of the year, but it's so big that it's doing a lot to boost games sales across the U.S. This information comes from Circana (formerly NPD Group), which publishes a monthly report on U.S. video...
Black wool wide-legs with dramatic volume have become the new standard in Tokyo’s fashion districts, replacing the slim-cut streetwear aesthetic that dominated the past decade. The Japanese interpretation pairs these voluminous trousers with minimalist Hender Scheme trainers and oversized white cotton ...
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Expanding therapeutic targets from proteins to RNAs opens up new possibilities for neurodegenerative disorders therapeutics development. Recently, a diseas
Paradoxically, successful protein and process engineering has resulted in many more ‘black boxes’. Protein improvements are non-generic and improvements for protein A production are not necessarily transferable to protein B or C. Crucially, the basis of many of the changes underlying strain ...