Planning ahead, fraud & more Help & security Fraud & security Latest scams Lost or stolen card Unrecognised transactions Help & security Money management Understanding credit Financial planning Personal Tax Services Family finances Help & security Planning ahead Managing someone's acco...
Planning ahead, fraud & more Help & security Fraud & security Fraud & security Latest scams Lost or stolen card Unrecognised transactions Help & security Money management Money management Understanding credit Financial planning Personal Tax Services Family finances Help & security Plan...
This is a ground zero commitment for us: back in 2014 when Starling was founded we decided to build our bank on open APIs from Day 1. We did this not because it was a legal requirement, but because we felt - and still do feel - that it was the right thing to do. The API ...
Are you worried about fraud, scams or a suspicious transaction? We've outlined the steps you can take to: report fraud or suspicious activity on your bank account raise a dispute regarding a debit card transaction Report fraud or a scam ...
Why switch your bank account to Starling? It’s free and easy. Requesting to switch your current account only takes a few minutes and you won’t pay a penny. Find out how we stack up against other current accounts It’s seamless. We’ll do the legwork of moving outgoing payments, ...
RBC Cyber Fraud Alert: Taxi Scam Date: August 2024 Type: Phone Status: Active Card pick-up scam Date: July 2024 Type: Phone Status: Active Beware of Overpayment Scams Targeting Commercial Clients Date: June 2024 Type: False Advertisements/Website, SMS Status: Active Beware of the ri...
The Federal Reserve Banks provide banking services only to banks and governmental entities; individuals do not have accounts at the Federal Reserve. If a Federal Reserve Bank receives a request to make a payment on behalf of an individual, the Federal Reserve Bank will decline to make the paymen...
Think Fraud, show that one in 17 adults have been victims of fraud. And a massive nine out of ten of us have encountered online scams, according to Ofcom, with fraudsters targeting everything from Valentine's Day to Amazon deliveries to try and steal our money. Falling prey to a ...
The consequences of this are far-reaching, including the potential to ignite political or religious tensions between nations, deceive the public, disrupt financial markets, perpetrate acts of sabotage, fraud, scams, obstruct justice, and much more. Remarkably, deepfakes can even be employed to ...
'Systeem Risico Indicatie' or 'Risk Identification System' was an AI-based anti-fraud system used by the Dutch government from 2008 to 2020. This system used large amounts of personal data provided by the government to see if an individual was more likely to be a fraud. If the system ...